Birdforce Management Consultants


How to start your own business in Zimbabwe

Have you ever looked at the big companies like Amazon, Google, eBay, Alibaba or Facebook? They are multi-billion dollar corporates that make you and your dreams look like a speck of dust. These companies are the envy of most entrepreneurs. It may surprise you to learn that these big companies were founded by individuals like you and me. Most of them started in their founders’ garages and homes. But through time and hard work they grew into the huge giants that they are now. Exactly how did these companies grow? What is it that they did that we can apply to our small ideas and grow them into big corporate businesses?

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Procedure for company registration in Zimbabwe

The procedure for company registration in Zimbabwe is divided into 2 stages. There is the name search and reservation stage and then there is the incorporation and registration stage. The procedure is basically the same whether you are registering a PBC (Private Business Corporation) or a PLC (Private Limited Company). The name search stage is the same for both company types so we shall list it the same for both.

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Register a company before trading – 8 key reasons why

tarting a business often seems overwhelming and complicated. There are so many things to consider before commencing trade, from coming up with and an excellent and unique idea to registering a company and all the way up to planning and fundraising. Business registration has a lot of advantages to start-up businesses as it is the process of obtaining legal authorization to conduct business within your chosen jurisdiction. It is a legal obligation that ensures that a business is operating under the lawful obligations of its control. Below are advantages of registering a company before starting business operations

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