Birdforce Management Consultants

How to register a driving school in Zimbabwe

How to register a driving school in Zimbabwe

1. Register your company as a PLC

Register your company as a Private Limited Company.

2. Apply for an instructor’s ID and certificate with the Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe

•             You must pass a course which includes both the theory and practice of driving.

•             Upon passing this test, you become eligible to become an assistant instructor and must then work a 12 month period under supervision of a qualified instructor.

•             After this period you may advance to becoming a qualified instructor:

i.              After passing the examination conducted by the Zimbabwe Traffic Safety Board relating to the teaching of subjects set out in the driver instruction and;

ii.             After holding a valid driving license for five years.

•             The two years prior to date of registration as an instructor should be clear of any traffic offences. The certificate provided is valid only for two years, and during this period the instructor is subject to sporadic checks by staff at the Zimbabwe Traffic Safety Board to ensure that standards are being maintained.

•             A license can be revoked at any time should circumstances dictate the necessity for this.

3. Register your driving school with the Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe

Register your driving school with the Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe.

Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe Requirements

•             Driver’s license.

•             Instructor’s ID and certificate.

•             Driving school premises should not be less than 14 square meters.

•             Each vehicle used for driving instruction should at least be fitted with an additional adjustable internal rear view mirror, an adjustable driver’s seat; and a handbrake which is positioned so as to be readily operated by the instructor.

•             The name of the driving school must also be clearly and prominently displayed on the vehicles.

4. Register with ZINARA

Register with ZINARA for insurance cover and a ZINARA road license disc.

5. Acquire a certificate of vehicle fitness from VID

Acquire a certificate of fitness for all your driving school vehicles, from VID.

6. Register with ZIMRA

Register with ZIMRA taxes or find a tax consutant to assist.

7. Register with NEC

Register with the NEC for your industry or get a NEC consultant to assist.


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