Tendering Support & Management Services
In today’s competitive and volatile economy participating in government tenders cannot be a secondary option or business cannot afford to neglect huge public procurement market, which is virtually recession free. Rather governments across the globe pump significant amount of money in public systems through which public enterprises procure different works, services and goods.
For some organizations, participating in government tenders may be hassles and time consuming activity. Organizations, particularly which are relatively new and does not have in-house capacity and capability to identify and respond to various tenders; avoids participating in government tenders. So, if your questions be like: How to write a winning tender? or Which are the Best Tenders Consultancy Services Provider? or best Professional Tender Consultancy Services then you are on right place.
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WE Want TO Help YOU win Tenders?
Our Approach
Tendering Consult and Management Services is a comprehensive Tenders Consultancy Services and the only Tenders Consultants in Zimbabwe, which not only provide Procurement Consultancy Services and Public Procurement Consultancy Services but also provide International Tenders information. As we all know tenders and other related information is published in different media like: government departments own website, daily newspapers, government gazette etc. We can supply you tenders information on daily basis for your chosen geography and your product/service offerings.
In addition to sending daily email alerts, we can also help our clients by way of proactively selecting the most suitable tenders which matches company’s strength, target market, financial capacity, order book position viz-a-viz spare capacity available. Our in-house Government tender consultant or Freelance proposal writer refers to Standard Bidding Documents and special condition of contract and make sure that they provide correct Interpretation of Bidding Documents.
Before starting the proposal writing process we go extra mile and try to collect additional information with regard to the tender in question. This may include but not limited to information like: Which are the other companies who are participating in this tender by obtaining a list of companies who have purchased the tender document; source of financing; total budget allocation for this tender; last accepted rate for similar product/service etc. If the last accepted rate is 2-3 years old then we try to arrive the approximate winning price this time by using techniques like extrapolation and keeping in mind the changed market dynamics, current prices of raw material in international market etc.
We are the best Professional business proposal writers and provides Tender bid consultancy and Proposal Management Services; through in-house consultants as well as through expert government Tenders Consultants who are on our empanelled list. For large and very technical projects where industry specific experience is required we have domain specific Professional bid writers or Government tender consultant who provides Freelance bid writing services.
In addition to providing industry specific expertise and taking help from other freelance Government proposal consultants, we adopt standard Tender management process while responding to any tender. This includes using tools like: Go to Market Strategy, and Tender management process flow chart.
This is the most important, time consuming and critical stage in whole Tenders Consultancy Service process. We are full stack Bid management consultancy which has a team of Professional Proposal Writer, Government proposal writer, Public Procurement Consultant and other Tender writing consultants. In order to make sure that our tender response is fully compliant and responsive we have developed standard processes to prepare flawless bid response. Below are the intermediate processes:
4.1 Careful Reading of Tender Document:
Our Tender writing team consisting of bid writing experts and Tender consultants make sure that they read the complete tender document very carefully. This includes special attention to General Conditions of Contract, Special Condition of Contracts, Bid Data Sheet, bid security requirement, tender evaluation criterion, list of documents to be submitted, signing and sealing of the tender response. All contracts and agreements are vetted by our legal team. Any mistake on this account can cause serious financial damages and even in some case can impact company’s reputation.
4.2 Preparation of Winning Response
In order to make sure we prepare a flawless and completely responsive bid, our Business proposal experts and Professional tender writer do not leave any stone unturned. They prepare a well plan which is well thought of and fixes the clear responsibility among the members. They plan in such a way that we get enough time to submit the response.
Our goal is to win the tender and accordingly we make sure that the tender evaluation committee is convinced that our tender meets their requirement and is responsive in all aspects. Proposal development consultants make sure that our tender response is grammatically correct and the formatting used is uniform across the documents. Other points which we keep in mind are: No question is left unanswered, every page are signed and stamped as requested, all requested documents are attached, cross checking the tax status and amount in figures and words etc.
We make sure that the tender response has zero errors. And this is achieved by doing an audit/review of the response by a senior team member. Once he is satisfied then only the tender is sealed and envelop is prepared for submission.
We don’t believe in last minute submission, as this is most critical step. We also keep Plan B ready and the situation arises we use the same.
We don’t just submit the responsive bid. We also provide complete post bid follow-up services which include follow up to understand the outcome, to understand the reasons of not being successful if not
Engage us today for your next tender
We deliver true results, focusing on strategic decisions and practical actions tailored to our clients' unique reality.